How YOU can help FISH of Lebanon!
FISH of Lebanon is a completely volunteer organization. And what makes it possible for us to do all we do is a lot of volunteers each willing to do what they can to help. Being a FISH volunteer is one of the most fulfilling ‘jobs’ you can ever have. If you’d like to join the team, call 541-259-3200 and find out more.
There are openings for YOU to join today!
- Phone volunteers answer calls for either three-hour or six-hour shifts once a week. Calls are transferred to your home or cell phone, so you stay in your comfy clothes and answer calls from home.
- Pantry volunteers come into our food pantry on Tuesdays or Fridays to box up food items for folks who have called earlier in the day. Volunteers typically work from about shortly after noon to 2:30 in the afternoon.
- Pantry stockers work in pairs typically to stock shelves as food is delivered weekly.
- Grant writers can join our team of writers to find new grant opportunities for FISH, to apply for grants, and to maintain paperwork for preparing reports after funding is received.
- Writers are also needed to prepare three newletters each year that are mailed out to over 200 local homes and businesses.
- Volunteers work at home to wash and fold clothes donated to our clothing closets.
- On the First Monday of each month, volunteers help shoppers in our free clothing event, and then box items up again for the following month.
- FISH can always need helping hands at the fund-raising events we hold just before Mother’s Day and then the first weekend in November.
Call today and see how you can become part of our FISH team!